What is a Writing Cohort?

In May 2022, I participated in a writing cohort. When I’ve shared that with friends, many say, “Um, ok, I give; what’s a writing cohort?” Before I define it further - don’t you love that sneaky way I keep you reading? - let me explain how this got started and how after three attempts, I finally was able to participate.

Many moons ago, maybe five years, I listened to a podcast featuring Joy Eggerichs Reed. She had recently moved to Paris with her husband who had relocated there for work and she had recently started her speakers agency, Punchline. She was a complete joy - pun intended - and made me laugh out loud more than once. I decided to give her a follow on Instagram and it was the best thing I’d done since choosing to do all my grocery shopping via curbside pickup. Joy is a fantastic storyteller and that includes her tales on Instagram. I fell in love with Paris and then shortly after I began following her, she was expecting their first child. Millie was born and the Instagram content got even better! I felt like I knew her and her husband, Matt, personally.

Eventually Joy decided to expand her agency to also include a literary arm. Her background in communications and her author/pastor Father, Emerson Eggerichs, made that a logical transition. Her Dad wrote the famous marriage book, “Love and Respect”, and Joy worked for her Dad before launching her own agency. Fast forward to late 2020 - I was waiting for my knee replacement surgery and Joy put out a call for folks who would like to be part of a month-long writing cohort - her very first. She’d choose 5-6 aspiring authors to work with her for four weeks developing their book proposal. By the time the cohort was over, they’d walk away with a finished book proposal and armed with what they needed to pitch their book.

I was sold! I filled out the application and was chosen! When Joy contacted me, she alerted me that the cohort would take place in March 2021. Whomp whomp. I knew I would likely get approved for my surgery in February and that would be cutting it too close during recovery to commit. She assured me that there would be more cohorts, and once I was able to participate to contact her and she’d give me a spot. That was glorious! My book writing dreams were coming true!

Of course, things went south after that knee replacement. I tore my patella tendon and ended up with more surgery and then an incision that wouldn’t heal. I spent the summer try to getting my leg to heal, when an October cohort was announced. I contacted Joy and a spot was available! I was overjoyed! (I’m likely using way too many variations of “joy” in this post, but oh well) I couldn’t wait to get started, and knowing I was close to starting rehab, it meant I’d have this as a productive distraction.

My bottom fell out when at the end of September it was determined I had an infection in my knee and would have to undergo surgery to receive an antibiotic spacer while it healed. I was crushed! I had already received the “Welcome” email with all the details for the cohort and knew I couldn’t fulfill the tasks while in the hospital. I was a week out from the cohort and this timing was awful. Joy graciously understood and said she would try and get a replacement for my spot (which she did) and that once I was recovered to, again, contact her for a future cohort.

I began to doubt it would ever happen. Maybe my dream to become a writer wouldn’t occur. From that day over the course of the next five months, my life took another turn. I received my new knee replacement in November after weeks in rehab and a case of Covid, but my knee wouldn’t heal. Given all the efforts doctors and surgeons made, I eventually lost my right leg above the knee on December 31, 2021. Five days prior, I had coded with a blood sugar of 10 and ended up in ICU fighting for my life. Once out of ICU, with one less leg, I went to rehab with a body completely decimated and in need of rebuilding.

Right before I was to be discharged from rehab, I learned of a cohort planned for May 2022. Do I dare contact Joy? What if I do? Am I destined for something to prohibit me from participating? How long would Joy put up with me? After praying, I decided to contact her. I explained what I’d been through the past five months and that I would like to join the May cohort, if there was a spot and would pray nothing would come in the way. She graciously added me to the list. I prayed fervently that God would protect me for those four weeks so I would be able to participate. And I did!

Now to the question at hand; what is a writing cohort? Our group consisted of six aspiring authors, along with Joy and her developmental editor, Amelia. We communicated through the Marco Polo app and started the month off with a one-to-one meeting with Amelia. I had given this book a lot of thought, and had read Joy’s book “Get to the Publishing Punchline” which outlines in book form what makes up your time in a cohort. It became very clear to me that God had allowed this delay to further hone my book vision and story. It would be an autobiography of my life, focusing on the two and a half years of my health journey that led to my amputation.

The six of us would receive prompts during the week and would edit our book proposal on our Google Drive that Amelia and Joy could access, making notes and communicating along the way. In the Marco Polo app - which is video voicemail - we would collaborate, ask questions, and bond as a group. I adore all my fellow authors I got to meet! Bill, Jace, JJ, Liz, and Tanya were kindred spirits in writing and most of us shared similar challenges on our journey. We were from all facets of life - pastor, professor, professional writer, non-profit founder, and stand-up comic - but all shared a love for the Lord. Our books ranged from children’s fiction to memoir and I love to continuing to cheer my newfound friends along.

At the end of the month, we were given an edited, typeset book proposal and 30 minutes to meet with an author to help formulate our plan going forward. That meeting was so beneficial for me. It’s why I have this site, blog, newsletter, and podcast. I’ll forever cherish May 2022 that set the trajectory for my future.

Looking back at those failed attempts at the cohort, I saw how quickly my faith faltered. While I was fretting, God already knew His Plan for me. I would have more of a journey to travel before I was ready for this cohort. He knew I needed those five people alongside me during the cohort. No matter how much I doubt or wonder what God is up to, I can rest assured He’s laying the concrete for my road ahead.


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